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Attendance at HPC

Attendance at Hauraki Plains College

The government has set a target of 80% of students to be present for more than 90% of the term by 2030. At Hauraki Plains College our regular attendance is 45%.

Regular attendance means a student is missing 5 or fewer days each term.

There’s a clear connection between attending school regularly and doing well in the classroom. Higher levels of educational achievement can mean better health, higher incomes, better job stability, and more participation in communities. This all makes society stronger and more connected.

Student missing school can have a huge impact on their education journey. A day 'here and there' can add up:

Attendance Diagram
HPC support offered, and not limited to:
  • Supportive conversation with River Guide
  • Supportive conversation with Dean
  • Supportive conversation with Deputy Principal
  • Referral to Wellbeing Team eg counselling, art therapy, external services, mentoring
  • Take a breath/timeout card
  • Amended/modified timetable
  • Special attendance goals and targets
  • Transition back to school plan
  • Referral to CAPs Hauraki for extra attendance support
  • Support with TeKura (online learning) enrolment
  • Support with Northern Health School referral
To report an absence:
Online form for extended leave request (this is a work in progress presently...)
Hauraki Plains College
Hauraki Plains College