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Career Support

Career Pathway Planning:

Every student at Hauraki Plains College is given extensive career decision making support through the Career Pathway programme. The aim of the Career Pathway programme is which is to encourage and assist students to look beyond school and establish a clear focus and direction for their future lives. The programme uses an integrated approach combining mentoring of student academic progress and career planning. Career advice and planning begins at Year 9 and as students move through their senior years, individual career pathway planning is provided for every student.

The Career Pathway programme helps students make informed learning and career decisions, while at the same time develops their planning and decision making skills. The establishment of a clear future direction or pathway by students also makes their time at school more purposeful and worthwhile.

Careers Central is a vital part of the Career Pathway programme. It is a live, interactive digital careers programme that can be accessed anywhere, anytime via an internet connection. Careers Central encompasses goal setting, key competencies and career exploration around skills, likes and abilities and is linked to the Government Careers website. The programme has text and email capability to send students relevant information around career liaison visits and upcoming courses and opportunities. There is also a very comprehensive database of scholarships, tertiary information and employment opportunities.

Over a period of five years, when all relevant information has been entered by students around participating and contributing and academic achievement, a CV and cover letter can be generated.

Parents who have questions regarding careers for their child are encouraged to contact the Careers Advisor Pippa Lawlor: pippal@haurakiplains.school.nz

Gateway (Work Based Learning):

The purpose of Gateway is to enable schools to give senior students the opportunity to access structured workplace learning. This learning is integrated with their school-based subject learning. Students have the opportunity to achieve credits based on their workplace experience and this experience may align to one or more Vocational Pathways. The Gateway programme provides broader educational options. It also strengthens pathways for secondary school learners to further education and training or employment.

You can contact our Pathway / Gateway Coordinator Lauren Scott: laurens@haurakiplains.school.nz

Correspondence and STAR Courses:

A range of courses are offered through the Correspondence school as well as a range of full year and short courses such as first aid, learner driver license and hair dressing.

Hauraki Plains College