Hauraki Plains College offers extensive health and pastoral care services for students.
Mentoring and Support:
The guidance network, including River Guides, Deans and the School Wellbeing Team ensures that every student has access to pastoral support.
School Counsellor / Registered Social Worker:
HPC has a school counsellor and social worker who provide a confidential counselling services for students and parents / whānau. Students from all year levels, ethnicities and backgrounds attend counselling for a wide range of issues. These include: stress, anxiety and depression; relationship issues; grief and loss; identity issues; self management and anger; managing academic pressures and other health issues that impact on wellbeing and learning. Referrals are welcome from students, parents and staff.
Social Worker - Karen Hinton: karenh@haurakiplains.school.nz
Counsellor - Paula Maxwell: paulam@haurakiplains.school.nz
School Based Health Services:
The college has an agreement with Pinnacle Midlands Health Network and Te Whatu Ora Waikato to provide free nursing services on site. Our school nurse is available Monday to Friday during school hours. The main aim of the clinic is to improve the health of our students so they can come to school well and able to learn. The nurse can provide general medical care, advice and support to all enrolled students.
As part of this, the school nurse will complete a thorough wellbeing review for all consenting Year 9 students. This wellbeing review uses the HEEADSSS (home, education, exercise/activities/diet, drugs, sexuality, self-harm, safety) assessment. The HEEADSSS framework is a holistic tool recognised and used with young people within health settings worldwide. It supports the building of a thorough health plan in collaboration with your child.
In addition to the nursing service the college is fortunate to have a GP service on site for 1.5hrs a week. Appointments for the Dr can be done via the school nurse.
To make an appointment with the school nurse students, parents or whanau can call into the student centre, ask the nurse in person, ask a school staff member for help making an appointment or email the nurse: susanm@haurakiplains.school.nz
Dental Service:
A free mobile dental service is available which comes to HPC for a limited number of weeks each year. This service is offered by The Tooth Group. This is not intended to replace any existing preferred dental service which a family may have in place.
Wellbeing Survey:
As part of our ongoing commitment to student wellbeing the students will be invited to fill in a wellbeing survey each term. This is not compulsory and students can opt-out. If this is something you need more information about please contact Alissa Place alissap@haurakiplains.school.nz