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Home - School Partnerships

Regular Events:

Regular events take place each term and provides an opportunity for parents and whānau to meet with the Principal, staff and BOT. Each event has a specific focus, for example:

  • Year 9 Meet and Greet
  • Year 11 NCEA Information Evening
  • Whānau Hui's
  • Subject Selection Evening
  • BOT Consultation Meetings
  • Parent / Teacher Interviews
  • Out of Zone Information Evenings

Student Council:

The Student Council is made up of elected representatives from each River group. The Student Council encourages students to discuss issues and provide feedback to the Principal and Boards of Trustees.

Sports Executive:

The Sports Executive has three main tasks:

  1. Promote student participation in co-curricular sports
  2. Decide direction and policy related to sports
  3. Enhance sporting opportunities and achievement at HPC

Sport Development Officer: Ms Cindy Berridge  sport@haurakiplains.school.nz

Haurakian Charitable Trust:

The Haurakian Charitable Trust was established to support the continuing development of the college by providing cultural, recreational and educational opportunities and resources. To date the Trust has purchased a farm for funding purposes, built the Centennial Centre, provided the Lodge as a performing art space, as well as assisted with financial contributions to the college. The Hayward Farm which is owned by the Trust, has been established as a school farm for agriculture, horticulture and agribusiness.



The Haurakians exists to keep past pupils, staff and community connected to the college. Contact Mary Aislabie: marya@haurakiplains.school.nz

Snow Douglas Trust Fund Scholarships:

The Snow Douglas Trust is available for students to apply for support for developing sporting, cultural, academic and service at Hauraki Plains College. Download the doc below and email to the BOT Secretary Ana van Eyk: anav@haurakiplains.school.nz


Douglas Funding Application Form

Communications with Home:

We have several ways of communication with families and whānau – weekly e-Bulletins, School App, Facebook, Community Newsletters and weekly memos from subject teachers through Google Classroom.

School App:

The app is a communication stream between school and families and is a one-stop shop for a range of information:

  • Contact details of all staff
  • Links to websites
  • Daily notices
  • A KAMAR parent portal that allows students and their parents/caregivers access to their academic record and attendance
  • A map of the school
  • Newsletters / e-Bulletins
  • School events calendar
  • Parents/caregivers are able to log their child’s absence from school directly from the app.

Once subscribed, app users will be able to receive ‘push notification’ alerts on their devices.

Parent Portal:

To access your child’s academic and attendance record via the KAMAR Student Management System, you can either login as a parent or as a student. To login as a student – the username is the student’s unique 5-digit ID number and their password, which they will know. To login as a parent use the student’s ID number for the username and your parent password. If you are unsure what your password is, please email Student Services studentservices@haurakiplains.school.nz


Hauraki Plains College
Hauraki Plains College