The Hauraki Way: Self-Discipline in a Supportive Environment
The Hauraki Way expresses the standards of behaviour we have for all students. We believe that young people learn best in an environment where there are non-negotiable boundaries and high expectations with a no blame, no shame, no excuses approach.
The Hauraki Way applies to all times; this includes any time or place when a student of HPC can be identified as such either through uniform, membership of a school team or group or any other means. It includes from the time of leaving until returning home and all other occasions which are school activities or events.
Hands off People and Property: our Safety standard
Except in legitimate sporting activities, any kind of physical contact including pushing and fighting, bullying, gang style handshakes, hugging, theft of property and touching are off limits.
Allow Learning to Happen: our Classroom standard
It is not ok to disrupt the learning of others. Students who are disruptive will be withdrawn from class in the first instance and a behaviour management plan implemented.
Use Appropriate Language: our Respect standard
Swearing, abusive and inappropriate talk is unacceptable, either when communicating with fellow students, to staff, on the sports field, on the street or any other occasion within the hearing of members of the wider school community.
Remember your Manners and RMK: our Character standard
An attitude of respect for self and others is a measure of good character. Manners open doors that even the best education cannot.
Alcohol, Smoking and Drugs (and any other illegal behaviours) are not on: our Legal standard
We have zero tolerance to any behaviours that are illegal and police will be informed. This includes, but not limited to: alcohol, smoking, drugs and vaping, theft, weapons and breaches of the Harmful Digital Communication Act.
Keep it kind. Keep it tidy. Keep it honest: our Integrity standard.
If you can be anything, be kind; don’t be mean. Be a tidy kiwi within our environment. Do the right thing, even if it is the hard thing. This includes academic honesty.
Instructions must be followed; adults are in charge: our Authority standard
Students are expected to follow the reasonable instructions of staff. This ensures an orderly and respectful environment for learning.
Wear our Uniform with Pride: our Identity standard
When it comes to uniform, we sweat the small stuff since uniform is a visual symbol of the collective pride and identity of our school.
Arrive on time and stay within school boundaries: our Right Time and Place standard
We expect students to be in the right place, at the right time with the right attitude.
You are responsible for your own actions: our Accountability standard
We believe that choices have consequences, and that students need to be held to account for inappropriate behaviours. This applies to all behaviours including use of digital technologies.
We take a firm stand on any behaviour which compromises the safety and effective learning of other students, including disruptive behaviour in the classroom, disrespect to teachers and aggressive behaviour such as bullying or fighting.
At the same time, students are given considerable support to make positive behavioural change. We encourage students to put things right if there has been an instance of misconduct and to accept the consequences of their actions. Restorative and strength based practices are an important part of the way we work.
RMK Awards:
RMK rewards are intended to encourage students to show respect, take responsibility and contribute positively to our school community ie live the values of our Charter: Rangatiratanga, Manaakitanga and Kaitiakitanga.

Uniform Expectations
We offer a smart, reasonably priced uniform. The College expects students to maintain a high standard of dress and personal presentation at all times, including a clean, tidy uniform. It is a condition of attendance at this College (agreed to upon enrolment) that the correct uniform be worn. Non-regulation items will be held in safe-keeping until the end of that day. Individual variations require the approval of the Principal. Any changes to our uniform code must be passed through the Board of Trustees and will be notified on our website and in newsletters.
Hauraki Plains College Information Technology Use:
Hauraki Plains College strives to offer all students’ access to a range of ICT-related resources and courses. The College allows students access to the Internet, as well as to a constantly expanding Intranet system including a specifically designed HPC app.
Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)
In 2025 Year 9 and 10 students will be required to bring their own device to school. The preferred device for students is a Chromebook. Chromebooks offer many advantages in a school environment:
- Chromebooks are generally more affordable than many other laptops and tablets, making them a cost-effective option for students and schools.
- Chromebooks can be managed easily through Google Admin Console, allowing our IT administrators to manage devices, applications, and policies remotely.
- Chromebooks are designed with multiple layers of security, including automatic updates and sandboxing, reducing the risk of malware and viruses.
- Chromebooks have long battery life, allowing students to use them throughout the school day without needing to recharge.
- Chromebooks boot up quickly and perform efficiently for educational tasks.
- Many Chromebooks are now designed to be rugged and durable, making them suitable for the rough handling they might experience in a school environment.
Families can purchase Chromebooks from any retailer. However, we have a commercial relationship with Noel Leeming which may provide preferential pricing and financing options compared to other retailers. Visiting stores in Thames, Pukekohe or at the Base in Hamilton and stating that your child is from Hauraki Plains College will enable families to access these options.
For families who are unable to purchase a Chromebook, we do offer the option of a loan device sourced from older HPC Chromebooks. If you would like anymore information about this please contact:
Hardeep Singh (IT Tech) (hardeeps@haurakiplains.school.nz)
Jonathan O’Neill (Deputy Principal & ICT) (jonathano@haurakiplains.school.nz)
Our Cyber-Safe Community
Hauraki Plains College is committed to providing safe and educationally focused digital journeys for our students. To support this, we have partnered with leading online safety provider, Linewize by Qoria. Linewize is a world leader in online safety for schools and communities, supporting over 27,000 schools and more than 22 million students globally. Linewize services help ensure our students use the internet safely and effectively.
Allows the school to ensure students use the internet on school IT safely and effectively. Sends senior staff notifications when risk or vulnerable student behaviour is detected (24/7 home & school)
Helps teachers guide internet access during lessons, improving focus and reducing digital distractions. (School hours only)
FAQ - For Families / Whanau + Students
What online activity can school staff see for students when using a school account?
Screenshots of risky, harmful or vulnerable behaviour typed by a student on the school account:
- Searches
- Apps & Websites
- Videos watched
Is it possible for the school to see school account activity (websites accessed / searches / typed words where risk is identified) at home for students?
Yes - but only while a student is logged into their school account
Does this work for BYOD devices at school?
Yes - if the school manages these or has set this protection service up.
Can teachers view students' computer screens at home?
Yes - Student screens can only be viewed from home by a teacher in Classwize during learning hours set by the school (9am - 3pm).
What does that mean for other household members?
Please refer to the school's specific student ICT policy/digital agreements. It is good practice, on shared devices, other family members sign out of the school account and use a personal account for their internet use.
What about Privacy and Security?
Our school has chosen to work with Linewize on the basis of their commitment to the highest standards regarding the privacy and security of student data.