Developing Rangatiratanga or leadership capabilities is an important aspect of Hauraki Plains College and something which many students aspire to. Throughout the year levels, there are a number of opportunities for students to develop leadership such as leading classroom projects, representing one’s River Group on Student Council and captaining a sports team.
At Year 13, school leaders work in teams, each with a specific focus. The teams are: Academic; Sports; Arts; Cultural; Service; Systems; Hospitality; Environmental; Te Māngai Pāoho o Tikarahi and Hapu (Houses).
2025 welcomes five head students for overall responsibility of the Student Leadership team and represents the school at public events, co-ordinates student assemblies and maintains a vital link with the Senior Leadership Team.
L-R: Benjamin Beard, Natalia Taufa, Cayden de Graaf, Ellie Martin and Jakeerat Randhawa.